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Programs for Gifted & Talented Students

Programs for Gifted & Talented Students at MCST


The Morris County School of Technology (MCST) offers a variety of programs to support Gifted & Talented (G&T) students throughout their Career & Technical Education (CTE) program. These programs provide opportunities for students in all of the six federally-recognized categories of giftedness. These include general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creative and productive thinking, leadership, fine and performing arts, and psychomotor talents. 

Our philosophy on Gifted & Talented education is to encourage students to engage in opportunities outside of the high school experience to enrich the already rigorous and specialized CTE program. Such opportunities include, but are not limited to: independent study, service projects, mentorships, intensive summer programs, entrepreneurial endeavors, certifications, and research. The district supports the student’s area(s) of giftedness through varied and personalized supports and activities. 

Students are counseled and encouraged to structure their long-term projects or programs to provide the most appropriate development and enrichment over the entire four-year high school period, starting in 9th grade.

The offerings to support G&T students at MCST support the educational plan to develop career-ready practices for the exceptionally bright and talented CTE student.

Programs to support G&T students at MCST:

Not for Credit
  • Enrichment (G&T Program) - [Description of Enrichment Program]
For Credit
  • Option II - If you are seeking credit for a required course, please go to the Option II page. This includes summer acceleration courses. 
  • Senior College Option - Please visit this site for our Senior College Option. Senior students may seek approval to attend one of our partner institutions for their senior year. 
  • Senior Internship - Please visit this page for information on our senior internship program.