Technology Acceptable Use Information
The MCST school administration understands the benefits of wireless technology for enhancing learning and maintaining family communication. In addition, wireless communication devices provide a level of security for students. For these purposes, students are invited to bring personal electronic devices to Morris County Vocational School District. Students may possess, display, and use personally owned electronic devices in accordance with Board policy for Internet Safety and Technology. All students must also agree to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Student User Agreement (below). Evidence of unauthorized use will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the school’s Code of Conduct.
Personally owned “electronic devices” include but are not limited to cellular telephones, smart phones, lap-tops, chromebooks, tablets, walkie-talkies, personal digital assistants, iPads, iPods, MP3 players and other hand-held computing devices. This definition will also include any new technology developed for similar purposes.
As stated above, students are invited to bring personal electronic portable communication devices to Morris County Vocational School District (MCVSD). Any student who wishes to use a personally owned electronic device within the Morris County Vocational School District must agree to the following terms:
- The student takes full responsibility of his or her device. MCVSD will assume no responsibility in any circumstance for the loss/destruction/damage or theft of personally owned electronic devices or for any communication bill associated with the authorized or unauthorized use of said devices. Students will be responsible for locating such lost/stolen items.
- MCVSD reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal device if there is reason to believe that the student has violated Board policies, administrative procedures, the Code of Conduct or has engaged in other misconduct while using his or her personal device.
- Violations of any Board policies, administrative procedures or school rules involving a student’s personally owned device may result in consequences outlined in the Code of Conduct. Unauthorized use and any illegal, destructive, harmful or inappropriate activities, including, but not limited to computer hacking, cyber-bullying, accessing offensive/obscene materials, cheating, etc. will not be tolerated and will result in confiscation of the device as well as other disciplinary actions deemed necessary by the Director of Athletics and Student Affairs and/or reporting to law enforcement authorities.
- Any staff member may direct a student to put away his or her electronic device if it interferes with instruction, causes disruption or poses a safety concern. Students are responsible to ensure that their devices are turned off and out of sight when not being used for educational purposes. The student must comply with teacher requests to shut down a personally owned device.
- Personal devices shall be charged prior to bringing it to school. Recharging devices is not the responsibility of the MCVSD.
- The student may not use devices to record, transmit or post photos or video of a person or persons on campus. Images or video must not be recorded at school or be transmitted or posted at any time without the express permission of the staff member.
- Students and guests using personally owned electronic devices on MCVSD campus must use the MCVSD student wireless network. Personal hotspots or any other alternative connection are prohibited.
The Morris County Vocational School District provides internet access to staff and students. All students and parents will be required to sign-off on the MCST internet use agreement via Genesis. This privilege is to be used in accordance with school and Board of Education policy. Inappropriate use of the internet will result in disciplinary action and, if deemed necessary, a referral to law enforcement authorities.