Denville Campus
High School - Full Time Career Academy Programs
The MCVSD Academy programs offer students a unique high school experience combining comprehensive academics with focused Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes. The Academy programs are full-time, comprehensive high school programs (9th-12th). MCVSD offers a variety of full-time Academy programs, most of which are located at the Denville campus and comprise the full-time Morris County School of Technology. Additional full-time Academy programs exist in partner school districts and are referred to as satellite Academy programs. Each of the full-time Academy programs has a focused 4-year curriculum in the respective career area. The programs are guided by Advisory Councils, consisting of business and industry partners, representatives from post-secondary institutions, students, parents, and other important stakeholders.
High School - Share Time Career and Technical Education Programs
The MCVSD Share Time Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs offer half-day, specialized training as part of a student's junior and senior year high school program. MCVSD offers a variety of Share Time CTE programs, most of which are located at the Morris County School of Technology in Denville. Additional Share Time CTE programs offered are in partnership with the County College of Morris and Pequannock High School. Each of the Share Time CTE programs has a focused 2-year curriculum in the respective career area. The programs are guided by Advisory Councils which consist of business and industry partners, representatives from post-secondary institutions, students, parents and other important stakeholders. The Share Time CTE programs offer opportunities for students to earn industry-recognized credentials which can lead to employment while also preparing students to succeed in a variety of post-secondary education options.
Adult Continuing Education
The Continuing Education division of the Morris County Vocational School District offers a variety of programs primarily in the evening and on Saturdays throughout the school year. For those interested in enhancing their career skills or moving in a new career direction, there are part time courses in many trades, including apprenticeship classes and programs that lead to national certifications and licensing.
Click on the bar below for more information on Continuing Education.