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Full Time Academies Work Based Learning

MCVSD Senior Internship Process

All internship requirements are managed through a system called PathwayOS. Students should log in to get started (Search "morris" to find our school district and log in with your Google credentials). Scroll down the page to see a video overview of the SLE Course.


Academy teachers and WBL Coordinators are responsible for supporting the senior internship experience and the 5-credit Structured Learning Experience Class. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. See below for the teacher or SLE coordinator for each program. 

    • Animal Science -  Teacher - Mr. Koehler, Coordinator - Mrs. Hammond
    • Biotechnology - Teacher- Mr. Pizzo/Coordinator - Mrs. Hammond
    • Computer & Information Sciences - Teacher -Mr. Scimeca & Ms. Alblas , Coordinator - Ms. D'Orsi
    • Culinary Arts - Teacher - Chef Alfonso, Coordinator - Mrs. Hammond
    • Design - Teacher - Mr. Rosado, Coordinator - Ms. D'Orsi
    • Education & Learning - Teacher- Ms. Shane, Coordinator - Ms. D'Orsi
    • Math, Science & Engineering - Coordinator - Ms. Pascale
    • Environmental Science - Coordinator - Mrs. Hammond
    • Global Commerce - Teacher - Mrs. Romero & Mrs. Kropp, Coordinator - Ms. D'Orsi
    • Health Care Sciences - Teacher- Ms. Bienkowski/Coordinator - Mrs. Hammond
    • Law & Public Safety - Teacher- Mr. Frisk, Coordinator - Ms. Pascale
    • Multimedia - Teacher-Ms. Short/Coordinator - Ms. D'Orsi
    • Performing Arts (Dance, Theatre & Vocal Performance) - Coordinator - Ms. D’Orsi
    • Sports Medicine - Coordinator - Mrs. Hammond


  1. Complete the requirements of the "Internship-Ready Badge" (i.e. Student Training Plan, Resume, Cover Letter, and Elevator Pitch)
  2. When ready to find an internship, use PathwayOS to set up your internship experience. There are a few ways you can do this: 
    • Work with your CTE teacher and WBL Coordinator to pair you with an internship opportunity.
    • Find an internship through your own networking efforts and then discuss it with your CTE teacher and WBL Coordinator to create the experience in PathwayOS
  3. When the internship experience is approved, you will be able to see the experience in the PathwayOS system and will be notified (via email) to submit forms electronically (i.e. Experience Agreement, Drivers License & Insurance) *NOTE: you are not fully approved to start your internship at this point. This is an approval of the idea for your internship and you will need to submit the necessary forms AND be approved by the Board of Education before you may begin.
  4. The student, parent, and mentor will each be notified to sign the Experience Agreement electronically. Once all signatures are submitted, the student and the internship experience will be added to a list for approval by the Board of Education (approval at monthly BOE meetings).
  5. After the Board of Education approves your experience, you and your mentor will receive an email indicating that you are approved to start your hours. You may not begin logging hours until the Board of Education approves your experience. See below for Board approval dates and start dates.
  6. Once the experience starts, students must submit hours for approval in PathwayOS each time that they work. *NOTE: if you are unable to submit hours, you have not been fully approved to begin. Contact your WBL Coordinator.
  7. An MCVSD Work-based Learning Coordinator (Ms. D'Orsi, Mrs. Hammond, or Ms. Pascale) will visit the worksite to connect with mentor and student.
  8. Mentor evaluations: Periodically, the mentor will receive an email to evaluate the student - this evaluation is based on Career Ready Practices.
  9. All academy students must complete at least 120 hours of an approved internship.  Once 120 hours are complete, a student may continue to work at the internship. However, it will no longer be a school-sponsored, supervised, internship. A notification will go out to the student, parent, and mentor when the 120 hours are complete.
  10. Complete all requirements to earn the "Successful Internship Badge" in PathwayOS (i.e. updated resume, final presentation, thank you email to mentor, etc.)
  11. To successfully pass the Structured Learning Experience course (5-credit senior course, required for graduation), students must complete all requirements in PathwayOS AND participate in the virtual classroom (including meetings and additional assignments as required)


Requirements submitted in PathwayOS

Board Approval Date

Experience Start Date

5/31/2024 (1st Date for Jrs)

June 11, 2024

June 23, 2024

July 3, 2024

July 16, 2024

July 17, 2024

August 1, 2024

August 13, 2024

August 14, 2024

August 30, 2024

September 10, 2024

September 11, 2024

September 27, 2024

October 8, 2024

October 9, 2024

October 25, 2024

November 1, 2024

November 2 2024

Last date December TBA


December TBA



Phone: 973.627-4600 x248

Ms. Angela D'Orsi

Ms. D’Orsi started her teaching career in the Adult Manicuring / Cosmetology program at the Morris County Vocational and Technical School in 1999.  Transitioning to the high school cosmetology program in 2004, Ms. D’Orsi continued to teach at Morris County until 2010.  In 2006, Ms. D’Orsi was the recipient of the Morris County Teacher of the Year for the 2005-2006 school year. During her time at Morris County, Ms. D’Orsi was also appointed the SkillsUSA Advisor.  In 2009, Ms. D’Orsi was awarded the SkillsUSA Advisor of the Year.  

After Ms. D’Orsi’s third child was born, Ms. D’Orsi had an opportunity to teach cosmetology closer to home. She transitioned to the Union County Vocational and Technical School, where she stayed for eight (8) years until 2019.  Ms. D’Orsi rejoins the MCST family in September 2019 as the Cooperative Education Coordinator.

In her spare time, Ms. D’Orsi enjoys time with her three (3) children, cheering them on as they participate in their sports and extracurricular activities. 


Phone: 973-627-4600 x. 127

Mrs. Mary Hammond

Mrs. Hammond began her career in Healthcare in the late 1980s. Her administrative and clinical experiences were in Emergency
Services, OB/GYN, Geriatrics, and Portable Diagnostics. In 1996, Mrs. Hammond was hired by Dover Business College as a Medical Assistant Instructor. This position definitely ignited the
flame to her teaching career. She began pursuing options in public school teaching and accepted a position at the Union County
Vocational Technical Schools in 2004 as a Medical Assistant Teacher. She was there one year but returned in 2007 when her
youngest child turned one.

During her career at UCVTS, she taught Medical Assisting, Life Skills, and Allied Health. She was also the Anti-Bullying Specialist for
over 5 years. She was awarded Teacher Of the Year in the 2014-2015 school year.

While still working at UCVTS, Mrs. Hammond opened a family hospitality business in 2008. Her venue hosted weddings, bridal/baby
showers, Breast Cancer Fundraisers, Shows with guest appearances, and Birthday Celebrations for 10 years in operation. During her entrepreneurship, Teaching remained her passion and priority.

Mrs. Hammond joined the YMCA as a Health Director in their Summer camp in 2019, continuously keeping busy after the closure of
her hospitality business.

In 2021 Mrs. Hammond made the decision to leave her position at UCVTS and join the MCVTS Family as a Work-Based Learning Coordinator. She plans to utilize all of her experiences, work ethics, and skills to establish a lasting relationship with the MCVTS community.

Photo of Colleen Pascale


Phone: 973-627-4600 

Ms. Colleen Pascale

I, along with my children, have resided in Randolph for the past ten years. I have two children, one in Randolph High School and another in Monmouth University. Prior to moving to Randolph, I was a member of the Butler Board of Education and served as PTO President. Presently, I am a former member of the Randolph Board of Education. 

I am a 1992 graduate of the Morris County Police Academy and have been employed by the Butler Police Department for 25 years. Currently, I hold the title of Detective Sergeant. I also serve as a School Resource Officer, Juvenile Officer, LEAD (DARE) Instructor and Mentor for the State of New Jersey. I am also an educator for a Morris County School District. I have been a leader paving the way for women for years.  I was the first female Police Officer in the jurisdiction of Butler and have the distinction of being the second woman ever appointed to sit on the executive board of the New Jersey Police Honor Legion, a fraternal charitable organization representing active and retired NJ law enforcement membership. Additionally, I was the first female member of the Butler Fire Department. 

Service and leadership have always been a part of my life both in my community and professionally. I currently serve on the Executive Board of the Policemen’s Benevolent Association and the Butler Policemen’s Association. I am a member of the Randolph Republican Club and was the former President of the Randolph Basketball Booster Club. Previously, I coached in both the Randolph and Butler Recreation Programs.

I have been recognized and awarded many times for my achievements.  In both 2008 and 2009, I received a Meritorious Award from the Morris County Detectives Association.  In 2012, I was presented with a Recognition Award for being a distinguished female in the law enforcement community by the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office.  In 2012, I was again recognized for distinguished service as a female law enforcement officer, and received a Citation of Commendation and Praise from Senator Joe Pennachio, Assemblyman Jay Webber, Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce and Senator Anthony Bucco.  In 2017, I received a Meritorious Life Saving Award for rescuing a man from a burning building. 

I have a Master of Administrative Science Degree from Fairleigh Dickenson University in Teaneck. I also have a Certificate of Eligibility for a Teacher of Law Enforcement.     


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What are the responsibilities of everyone involved? 
  • Can I do a remote internship?
    • Yes, please indicate that your internship is remote when proposing your site in PathwayOS. You must have a designated mentor and have plans for regular virtual meetings with your mentor.
  • How far away can an in-person internship be located?
    • Our guidelines are to stay within a 25-mile radius of Morris County School of Technology for in-person internships. This is for two important reasons. 1) student safety - further travel means more time driving/traveling 2) we have a limited capacity to supervise over 300 students participating in internships. You may still propose a site that is outside the 25-mile radius but it may not be approved or we might be able to recognize your internship through Option II.
  • How many hours can I work in a day/week?
    • During the summer, when school is not in session, you can work up to 8 hours per day and no more than 40 hours per week. When school is in session, you can only work 5 hours on a school day and your workweek cannot total over 33 hours. Also, in a 7-day period, you must have one day off. You cannot work 7 days straight.
  • What if I can’t find an internship?
    • You will be able to find an internship. Propose your own internship if you have a connection. If you do not have any leads, try networking with your family members, friends, and other connections to see if anyone knows anyone in a related field. Reach out to your WBL Coordinators, Ms. Pascale, Ms. D'Orsi, and Mrs. Hammond, and let them know that you are looking for an internship and they will be able to help you. You should also work directly with your academy teacher in your junior year to discuss possible leads and get support for reaching out to potential mentors. START EARLY
  • Can I do alternate assignments instead of an internship?
    • No. There is no option of doing alternate assignments this year. If you are having trouble finding an internship, please contact your WBL Coordinator or CTE teacher.
  • How many hours can I do over the summer?
    • You can complete up to 75 hours over the summer. 
  • Can I do an internship outside of my academy field?
    • No. Your internship is part of your academy/CTE program and cannot be completed in an unrelated field. That said, there are many jobs and career pathways that are at the intersection of your academy field and another (think technology in healthcare, social work in education, the business side of culinary, etc.) and if you work with your academy teacher and the WBL coordinators, you will be able to find an internship that best suits your career goals. Also, consider focusing on different aspects of work within a specific company. For example, the finance department at a biotech company, etc. Start this conversation early and we will be able to help you find something that is beneficial for you.
  • What if I don’t want to work in my academy field anymore?
    • Having an internship in high school develops transferrable skills (skills that will be valuable in any career pathway). This experience will help you build your resume and make you more marketable to future employers, regardless of the field you pursue. Also, see the question above.
  • What if I don’t like my internship?
    • Notify your academy teacher and WBL Coordinator (Ms. Pascale, Ms. D'Orsi, or Mrs. Hammond) immediately. This does not mean you will quit right away or be transferred out of the experience, BUT you will be heard and you will have support to find out the best options for you and for your employer, and the school.
  • When/why do WBL Coordinators need to visit me at work?
    • Your internship is part of a high school course and your worksite is an extension of the MCVSD classroom. We are responsible for supervising you and making sure that you have a safe, healthy, and compliant internship experience. The coordinators are not intrusive when conducting visits and communication leading up to the visit is important for you, your mentor, and for the coordinator. Feel free to reach out to the coordinators to ask any questions.